This operation is performed automatically. and in local bank is manualy Please note that all transactions will be verified by the AML team. -any transactions from the exchange [CommEx—Garantex—Tornado Cash—Hydra——Lazarus Group—Genesis Market—ChipMixer——Capitalist—FarhadExchange] will be automatically blocked
Exchange rate: 0 USD = 0.87 DOGE
amount must be greater than 0

min.: 101 DOGE max.: 11078.0457 DOGE

amount must be greater than 0
With fees*:
amount must be greater than 0
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Exchange Payeer USD to DOGECOIN DOGE

  • On this page you can convert Payeer USD (PRUSD) to DOGECOIN (DOGE) at the best exchange rate. Excoincash Exchange transactions are processed instantly. In case the Excoincash action or temporary funds hold is needed, you will be notified in advance .
  • To convert Payeer PRUSD to DOGECOIN DOGE you will need to fill in the form (all fields are mandatory) and press the “Exchange” button. After this, you will need to read and accept the rules of the exchange service and carefully check all details of your order.
  • If you accept the conditions, and the details of the converting PRUSD to DOGECOIN DOGE order are correct, you can proceed to the next step of the exchange process and pay the order. For this, you will need to follow the instructions of the Payeer PRUSD payment systеm and make a PR USD transfer in the amount specified in the order.
  • Right after the payment is complete, you will be forwarded to the order status page. If the transaction does not need any action from the manager, it will be fulfilled instantly. Otherwise, it will take up to 20 minutes (3 hours unless otherwise stated) to fulfill the order.
  • خدمة العملاء : غير متواجد
    17.09.2024, 03:55